Aaron Horn: December Alumnus of the Month
Aaron Horn, one of this year’s Ben Zakkai inductees, grew up in Twin Rivers, a small town in central New Jersey, where NCSY’s presence proved critical to his growth as a Jew. He readily participated in events, Shabbatonim and summer programs throughout elementary and high school and became the regional vice president of the New Jersey region in 2003. After two years of learning at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel, Aaron returned to the States to attend Yeshiva University. While there he earned an undergraduate degree in Biology and is currently working towards his Masters in Jewish Education. His abiding love for NCSY remained strong; during his tenure as an undergraduate, he was an advisor and administrator for New Jersey junior NCSY, taking over as director three years ago.
And he welcomes yet more NCSY responsibilities. This past summer he directed one of the buses of TJJ, one of NCSY’s premier summer programs. Additionally, Aaron has taken a more active role in the rest of the New Jersey region, by working as the program coordinator for Freshmen. Moreover, Aaron is in the process of developing a true leadership track that will fuse the leaders from public school JSU clubs, heavily involved Yeshiva Day School students, and Regional Board members into a comprehensive, cohesive program.
“Working in the New Jersey region gives me a diverse populace of students; they cover the whole gamut of religious observance,” he says. “I value the opportunity to interact with Jews from all backgrounds and histories in the same room. NCSY gives me a sense of fulfillment rarely found.” NCSY was instrumental in inspiring myself and my siblings;, it is a pleasure to give back to the organization that enabled us to become the involved, committed adults that we are today. Aaron will finish his semicha at YU this upcoming year.