Rabbi Dave Felsenthal is a consultant in Management, Gamified Education, Follow-up, Direct Mail/Telemarketing, Recruitment, Sales and Networking. His clients have included: OU IFS Birthright, NCSY Chesed Missions, Olami North America, Aish HaTorah, JFNA Changemakers, Torah U’Mesorah, Torah Live, Meet The Israelis, Olami Launch and more.

He was the OU Chief Innovation Officer, created gamified platforms for Birthright follow-up (BringIsraelHome.com); started OU NextGen to synergize College & Young Professional programs; was a founder of Birthright (OU Israel Free Spirit); created Onward Israel’s J-Internship, NCSY Alumni, Columbus Jewish Connections, Schottenstein Scholars & ASAP College Outreach & built OU telemarketing/direct mail to one million dollars net from scratch.

He has studied in Yeshiva University, Kerem B’Yavneh, Ner Israel, University of Maryland (BA Computers, MA Business), Aish HaTorah (Smicha) & Ohr LaGolah (Certified in Counseling & Education).

Rabbi Dave has a weekly podcast on work life balance called TheRabbiWhoGotRichonSunday.com and runs an ecommerce business with 2 Million in Yearly Sales (The Wellness Company), serves as a Scholar in Residence in Synagogues throughout North America and consults and lectures for both nonprofit and for-profits throughout North America on topics in Judaism and Business (rabbidave.com).

Rabbi Dave & Chani live their #dreamlife in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel & have 6 kids & 10 grandkids.