The Butterflies Should Never Stop
Before every event I get “the butterflies”. you’d think that after running hundreds of Shabbatons and trips they would stop; but they don’t. It can be a small event or a huge one and i still get that fluttery feeling. I always teach my students that when you are doing what you were created for, you get a feeling that you are on track. As i prepare for almost 500 Birthright participants this winter and 5 days with the best NCSY public school students in North America at Yarchei Kallah, the butterflies are here BIG TIME! I hope they never go away for me and I hope that each of you continue to challenge yourself to achieve greatness in your own way. Don’t stay comfortable, but stretch yourself and see what awesome things you can accomplish. Lets hear a cheer for those butterflies in all of us!
Make it an awesome Shabbos,
Rabbi Dave