A Couple Cute Stories

While getting ready for Regionals this weekend, I had the following thought; no matter how many Shabbatons I go to (and it’s been hundreds) I’m always excited about going and nervous about speaking. Since starting the Alumni Department I’ve cut back to only a few Shabbatons a year and my kids are starting to miss them (although I don’t think my boys would admit it);)

This is the last time that participants were ever NCSY’ers that I recruited to come. The junior 5th graders are now in 12th and next year I will no longer recognize any kids!

A cute story or two about our alumni I’d like to share. The first came from my brother-in-law Jon. He was at a wedding in Israel of our new OU Birthright Coordinator Netanel Gibson (better known as Gibby). As the wedding began, a group comes into the hotel after a hard day of touring. They see the wedding and join right in. As Gibby starts dancing with one of the guys in the middle of the circle he asks, so what brings you to Israel? The student replies, I’m on Birthright…

The second comes from former Superstar Advisor David Zelingher. He calls me and tells me that two of our NCSY’ers from Englishtown who were leaders in my public school programming got engaged, David Chaise and Barrie Cohen. I’m ecstatic and ask who they’re engaged to? His reply was “each other”!!!! Wow, the miracles of NCSY!!

Have an awesome Shabbos,

Rabbi Dave Felsenthal
Director OU Alumni