Wow What Nachas
It was very hard deciding what to write about this month. I just got back from spending Shabbos with our first Birthright group of the season and I had to keep pinching myself to make sure it was for real as it was perhaps the best Shabbos Birthright ever (kudos to my awesome staff and some awesome participants) but that was not my first choice. I was at the Atlantic Seaboard Mid Winter Shabbat (The first under new Regional Director Rabbi Jonah Lerner) and although I always love visiting my home region, I was blown away by the amazing quality in every regard, the Seaboard tradition is continuing in good hands! While there I got to eat lunch with 3 couples who met each other through NCSY (Shuie and Elyse Steinharter, Yehuda and Mira Labowitz and Ari and Hinda Moskowitz) – talk about pure Nachas; but, still not number one!
However, the most impactful experience of the past month was a visit from former Central East NCSY and OU Israel Free Spirit Alum Jay Gonter, wife Tali and baby Aryeh for Thanksgiving weekend on their way to make Aliyah. We got to host them for a few days and we are very excitec for their new adventure as they settle into their new apartment in Northern Israel!
Have an Awesome Shabbat and don’t forget to sign up for the OU convention and Ben Zakkai dinner right away (make sure you say hi to me there),
Rabbi Dave Felsenthal